Friday, October 17, 2008


So I am really excited! Homecoming is in a week and all next week is spirit week where I get to dress-up in red, as a twin with all my friends, as a hipee, as a beach person, and in blue and white, my school colors. Our theme his year is under the sea so we call it our H2Omecoming. It's pretty lame. But that's not the exciting part I was talking about....It's what happened today....So I started the day going to ask this guy after first period... but that didn't work out. So instead I wrote a note asking him to homecoming and stuck it on his car at lunch. I was nervous that rest of the day because I had no idea if he would say yes or not. Anyway, after school I have workstudy in the science building washing the white boards. Fun I know! When I get this call from my friend asking if I was still in school and in Snyder(science building) When I said yes she said ok I will see you in a few, right away I knew she was up to something. Then after a couple of minutes in walks the guy I asked to homecoming! He had this huge smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile as well. Then he said, "Um, you know the guys suppose to do the asking right?" and then he said, "So, you want to go to homecoming with me?" Of course I said YES! It was all really sweet in a weird way and also ackward because all my friends were standing outside the classroom. But yeah, so that's my story it's kinda lame but I am just glad I got a date with a sweet, sensitive, funny, and cute guy! So that put me in a good mood for the rest of the day! Peace and love xoxo


Nikky said...

I'm excited for you sis! you are going to have fun at homecoming. I miss you soo much and love you!!!have a fantastic day. love you xoxoxo

Jessica said...

Thanks sis! I miss you too! Love you tons! xoxo