Friday, October 17, 2008

I Have Been Tagged In The Sevens

So I was tagged twice so I think I should do this.

7 Things I Can Do:
I can dance
I can sing (sort of... I don't know if I am that good though)
I can laugh easily
I can play fastpitch
I can act really stupid sometimes... but then again who isn't
I can listen to any type of music except rap
I can watch the movie 'A Cinderella Story' over and over again and still like it

7 Things I Can't Do:
I can't hip hop well
I can't play basketball
I can't lie
I can't be late to anything.. I always have to be early
I can't sleep in at all
I can't stop moving
I can't take it when people pretend to be something their not

7 Things That I Find Attractive In A Guy:
His gentleness
His smile
His respect towards everyone...especially me
His humor
His out look on life
His sensitivity
His openness of trying new things

7 Things I Say Most Often:
I don't know...(sometimes it's I don't even know)
What the bleep
What do you wanna do?
Love ya

7 Celebrity Admirations
Mel Gibson
Amanda Bynes
Johnny Depp
Emma Watson
*I don't really have too many celebrities that I admire these are just the ones I like*

7 Favorite Foods
Bread...all kinds
Ice Cream
Cottage cheese and cool ranch Doritos....sounds disgusting but really good
Fritos and eggs....again sounds disgusting but good

7 People to Tag

xoxo Peace and Love xoxo

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