Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fun Weekend!

So this weekend was Halloween! I had so much fun. I just went over to my friends house and bobbed for apples. I have pics but I don't know how to put them up. Some one has to help me! Anyway then after that me and my friends decided we really wanted to go see High School Musical 3! And OMG....That is such a good movie. It is the best on out of all three. I loved itand would pay to see it again! After the movie we all went to 7 eleven for slurpees. It was so funny because one of my friends had never had one before so she didn't know how to work the slurpee machine. It was halarious. you had to be there! We then just went back to one of their houses and just chilled! It was all a very exciting, fun, and relaxing weekend. I hope everyone elses went really well!
xoxo Peace and Love xoxo

Friday, October 31, 2008

Car Accident!

So it was Wednesday morning and a person in my carpool had to be at school by 7:15. So as usual I drove and everything was fine. I was on I-5 and noticed the car slowing down in front of me. The next thing I knew the car in front of me was completely stopped. I slammed on my brake and rear ended them. In doing so I pushed his car into the car in front of him. I also TOTALED my car! Luckily, the only people who got hurt were me and my sister, and they are just minor injuries. We both now have sprained feet. I felt so bad for the guy I hit. But he made me feel better by saying that there was really nothing I could have done to prevent from hitting him because the car in front of him stopped suddenly and made him hit his brakes, and then that made me hit mine. I have pictures of both cars but I don't know how to get them from my phone to the computer! so when I can figure that out I will show you. But yeah anyway, I am fine now same with my sister and the other person that was in the car with me, and so is the person I hit. So that was an interesting day! Oh and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
xoxo Peace and Love xoxo

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Overall A Fun Homecoming Weekend!

Hey so Bellarmine won their homecoming game (27 to 26) WE just happened to score in the last 20 seconds of the game and won. It was a really close game! Anyway that was on Friday an last night I had the homecoming dance! I had so much fun... that is when my date actually showed up! lol Well here's the story...I went to my friends house so we could get ready together. We had three hours and we didn't even get dressed until her date showed up! We were just there watching A Cinderella Story. I Love the movie! We were all going to meet at my friends house (there was only four of us) around 6 o'clock and then go to Duke's, down by the water, to eat dinner, but my date got lost and was lost for almost 3 hours! I felt really bad that he was lost and I didn't even think about if something had happened to him and that's why he wasn't calling anymore, until someone mentioned "well what if something bad happened" and then I started getting really nervous because he wouldn't answer his phone anymore. And you know you never start thinking about things like that until someone puts it in your head and then that is all you can think about. We waited at my friends house til 8 o'clock and missed our reservations, but we had to leave at 8:15 whether my date was there or not because they close the doors at 8:45. So once we got to Bellarmine I found my sister with her date and my dates sister was with them and she was so scared and crying and I felt really bad which made me worry even more so I started crying. We kept trying his cell but he wouldn't pick up, then we called his mother and she and his sister kept saying how he would never just ditch me and I knew that but they we also worried about him. When I started talking to his mom on the phone, he finally showed up. This was around 9 o'clock. He said he got really lost and then his cell died so he threw it somewhere in his car. I was just happy that he was okay, but I felt so bad because he worried me. It was really cute. Also by the time he got there like everyone already knew the story and was glad he was there now, just like I was. We waited in line for pictures which took an hour, so by the time we were done we only had an hour to dance. But the picture thing was so messed up cause we were at the front of the line and then ended up at the very end, like when we looked back there was no one behind us anymore. Dancing was a lot of fun. It was weird at first, but it was still fun. He wanted to swing dance but neither of us knew how so it didn't work too well. But I had a lot of fun! After the dance I went back to my friends house and watched Disturbia. Well that was pretty much my homecoming weekend. So, until my next post.
xoxo Peace and Love xoxo

Friday, October 17, 2008

I Have Been Tagged In The Sevens

So I was tagged twice so I think I should do this.

7 Things I Can Do:
I can dance
I can sing (sort of... I don't know if I am that good though)
I can laugh easily
I can play fastpitch
I can act really stupid sometimes... but then again who isn't
I can listen to any type of music except rap
I can watch the movie 'A Cinderella Story' over and over again and still like it

7 Things I Can't Do:
I can't hip hop well
I can't play basketball
I can't lie
I can't be late to anything.. I always have to be early
I can't sleep in at all
I can't stop moving
I can't take it when people pretend to be something their not

7 Things That I Find Attractive In A Guy:
His gentleness
His smile
His respect towards everyone...especially me
His humor
His out look on life
His sensitivity
His openness of trying new things

7 Things I Say Most Often:
I don't know...(sometimes it's I don't even know)
What the bleep
What do you wanna do?
Love ya

7 Celebrity Admirations
Mel Gibson
Amanda Bynes
Johnny Depp
Emma Watson
*I don't really have too many celebrities that I admire these are just the ones I like*

7 Favorite Foods
Bread...all kinds
Ice Cream
Cottage cheese and cool ranch Doritos....sounds disgusting but really good
Fritos and eggs....again sounds disgusting but good

7 People to Tag

xoxo Peace and Love xoxo


So I am really excited! Homecoming is in a week and all next week is spirit week where I get to dress-up in red, as a twin with all my friends, as a hipee, as a beach person, and in blue and white, my school colors. Our theme his year is under the sea so we call it our H2Omecoming. It's pretty lame. But that's not the exciting part I was talking about....It's what happened today....So I started the day going to ask this guy after first period... but that didn't work out. So instead I wrote a note asking him to homecoming and stuck it on his car at lunch. I was nervous that rest of the day because I had no idea if he would say yes or not. Anyway, after school I have workstudy in the science building washing the white boards. Fun I know! When I get this call from my friend asking if I was still in school and in Snyder(science building) When I said yes she said ok I will see you in a few, right away I knew she was up to something. Then after a couple of minutes in walks the guy I asked to homecoming! He had this huge smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile as well. Then he said, "Um, you know the guys suppose to do the asking right?" and then he said, "So, you want to go to homecoming with me?" Of course I said YES! It was all really sweet in a weird way and also ackward because all my friends were standing outside the classroom. But yeah, so that's my story it's kinda lame but I am just glad I got a date with a sweet, sensitive, funny, and cute guy! So that put me in a good mood for the rest of the day! Peace and love xoxo

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Eventful Week

So this past week was very eventful. It was full of new things that were hard to accept at first. For school this week was really stressful. I had a lot of tests and had an especially hard AP Chemistry test that no one thinks they did good on. I hate that class because no matter how hard I try in that class I still do bad. Hopefully that will change before the next test. Also at school people are starting to ask people to homecoming. Me and my friends decided that were are just going to go in a group of people because all that guys in my grade already have girlfriends. It sucks! Bellarmine had a football game on Friday and won, surprisingly, 6-0 against Central Kitsap. The main things that happened this week was at dance. To begin one of the girls on my dance team quit, which really sucks because it was a lot of fun having her there. But then again I am glad that she realized she didn't really want to be there. It also sucked because she was starting to become my friend and she was my partner in every one of the dances I am in. It is okay in my lyrical because this girl named Chloe is taking her spot, so she is my new partner. On Monday I had to teach her the beginning of lyrical and I think she is doing really well for how long she has been in the class and at the studio. I think she has a lot of potential. I have to admit though when I first found out that she was in the group I wasn't very happy because here she is new to the studio and made the Sr. group where I tried for 3 years to get on the Sr. group. I guess it was just hard for me to accept that and I don't really know why, all I know now is that I am glad she has added to our group to help fill in Bria's(the girl that quit) spot. I also want to say that I am happy so far in dance this year. I have started becoming friends with the Sr. group this year, which I never really was friends with. They are so sweet and I love them. They make going to dance fun and I look forward to it each and everyday. There isn't one person on the team that I don't like. During one of the Thursday classes we had a discussion about what we liked about each other. This was really helpful because we could hear what the other people on our team feel about us. Of course, this whole discussion was really emotional for me mainly because I don't really share my feelings. I tend to keep to myself. This is all changing this year though. I have been more open to my feelings and I realized it is a lot less stressful if you don't have to worry about all your emotions kept inside of you. Anyway, I am glad to be in the group I am in and am glad to be making all these new friends. I love every single one of them and each day I hope to grow closer together. Anyway, that was pretty much my week. Of course there were tears, but I know that all my friends will be there to support me. From both school and dance. And if you guys are reading this I love each and every one of you with all my heart. You guys mean the world to me. So until my next post. Peace and love xoxoxo

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Past Year

Okay, so I am not really sure how to start so I'll just jump in. This past year has been full of tears, both of joy and sadness. I started out the year by getting my licence, which was really exciting (my six months are up soon)! Then I hit a wall(not literally) and started feeling bad about everything I did. I felt like I wasn't really trying my best even though I was. I also got really stressed out with everything that had been going on around me. The person that got me through it all just happened to be my sister's best friend, Amalitta. She basically became my other sister! I love her so much and can't thank her enough for helping me through it all. She has always been there for me when I needed her and she could always tell when I wasn't feeling okay. She has been with me throughout most of this year and during all the time we spent together we had plenty of long talks that ended with me in tears.(mostly happy because I could tell that she cared about me) Amalitta continues to inspire me in everything she does and I am really glad that she made it into my life. Amalitta and my sister Nikky both graduated from high school this year. Nikky is now at the University of Oregon, and sounds like she is really enjoying it there, which is good. Amalitta on the other hand got a job offer to go and work on a cruise ship but decided to stay here.(Which I am happy she did) I don't know how I would take it to have to say goodbye to two of my sisters! It was hard enough just to say goodbye to one. Anyway I love both of them so much and am so glad they are both in my life. Also during the summer my entire family went on a road trip to Florida. It took us three weeks for the whole trip but I had a lot of fun. While in Florida me and my sisters, Nikky and Emily, had Nationals for dance. Amalitta was also there. We all had a lot of fun! That was pretty much my summer and now I start my junior year in high school which should be fun but also stressful. Peace and love.

HI :)

Hello there so this is my first post... and I have no idea what to say :) Anyway I'm just gonna list some of my favorite quotes...

"It is better to have learned and never used, then need to use but never learned."

"Practice makes better."

"Anyone who thinks sunshine brings happiness, has never danced in the rain."

"I you can talk... you can sing, if you can walk... you can dance."

"No one said achieving a goal was easy."

"The reason people hold on to memories so tight is that memories are the only thing that doesn't change when everything else does."

"Expect the impossible."

"A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

"Act as if it is impossible to fail."

"I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had absolutely no other place to go."

So ya... Peace and love my friends have a fantastic day!